Hotel chain in Moscow Wellion

The Wellion hotel chain includes 4 modern hotels with a convenient location in Moscow. All hotels are within walking distance from the metro stations Vodny Stadion, Sukharevskaya, Paveletskaya, Baumanskaya.

The Wellion Hotels brand positions itself as modern comfortable city hotels for business travelers and tourists, providing comfortable and cozy accommodation and recreation thanks to a small number of rooms (from 17 to 35 rooms) and a high level of service.
The history of the brand began with the opening of the three-star hotel Wellion Paveletsky with its own restaurant within walking distance from Paveletsky train station in early 2018. Also in August 2018, the 3-star hotel Wellion Vodny Stadium also opened with its own restaurant. In 2019, the chain expanded – a 3-star boutique hotel with a unique design of each room appeared in the Wellion Baumansky, and finally, in July 2019, the flagship 4-star hotel Wellion Sukharevsky with a restaurant and a spa area opened its doors.

Our advantages:

  • convenient location
  • comfort and convenience
  • modern design
  • individual approach.

Over the years of the existence of our hotels, we have taken a confident position and found our regular guests, earning trust, high estimates and ratings.

Each hotel in our chain has a modern equipped base that ensures a comfortable stay of guests, both in the room and on the territory of the restaurant and bar. However, this would not be enough without the personal service that our employees provide to guests.
We will never refuse a guest who has addressed us with this or that request, whether it is ordering a taxi, searching for the nearest pharmacy or booking tickets.

Our vision of the service is to be useful to our guests, and we are happy to follow this every day. We are ready to accommodate and welcome every guest with almost any requests.
Our mission first of all is a satisfied guest. We try to become a second home for you, where comfort and convenience will be your faithful companions throughout your stay. That is why everyone who once stayed in the Wellion chain comes to us again and again.

Wellion Hotels – это сеть современных отелей


ООО "БКС Отель"
(Веллион Павелецкий)
CEO: Stepin Alexander Gennadievich
Legal address: 125212, Moscow, st. Bakhrushina, house 21, building 4, office 205
Actual address: 125212, Moscow, st. Bakhrushina, house 21, building 4, office 205
OGRN: 5167746357191
ИНН: 9705081460
КПП: 770501001
ОКПО: 05666270
р\с: 40702810638000259217
к\с: 30101810400000000225
БИК: 044525225
Documentation: Свидетельство о присвоении категории
(Веллион Водный)
Ген. директор: Бежанян Аршак Гургенович
Юридический адрес: 125212, г. Москва, Головинское шоссе, дом 8, корп.2а, оф.78
Фактический адрес: 125212, г. Москва, Головинское шоссе, д.8, кор. 2а
ОГРН: 1147746442227
ИНН: 7743924189
КПП: 774301001
ОКПО: 29394451
р\с: 40702810338000066412
В ПАО «Сбербанк России» г. Москва
к\с: 30101810400000000225
БИК: 044525225
Documentation: Свидетельство о присвоении категории
ООО «БКС Отель»
(Веллион Сухаревский)
Ген. директор: Степин Александр Геннадьевич
Юридический адрес: 115054, Москва г, Бахрушина ул, дом № 21, строение 4, офис 205
Фактический адрес: 129090, г. Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, дом13, строение 1
ОГРН: 5167746357191
ИНН: 9705081460
КПП: 770845001
ОКПО: 5666270
р\с: 40702810038000205104
к\с: 30101810400000000225
БИК: 044525225
Documentation: Свидетельство о присвоении категории
(Веллион Бауманский)
Юридический адрес: 125212, Москва г, Головинское шоссе, дом № 8, корпус 2А, офис 78
Фактический адрес: 105005, Москва г,Волховский переулок, д.23/3 стр.2
ОГРН: 1147746442227
ИНН: 7743924189
КПП: 770145001
ОКПО: 29394451
р\с: 40702810338000334335
к\с: 30101810400000000225
БИК: 44525225
Documentation: Свидетельство о присвоении категории